Congratulations Geoff

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Spanish Cow # Posté Le 28/08/2012 à 20h45:22 Citer

Team: DDFR ~ Spanish Cow
Messages: 4
Ranking: 6
Country: es

Congratulations Geoff...

I think this is the season that I have played better (speaking of multidrivers or players, like you want tell it) and (I haven't done the count but...) I think it's the season with more distance between first and me...
I hope you will meet better adversaries in other players...
Congratulations again, you are the king of FOM (and I am the FOM's Poulidor, hahaha)...
See ya up the road!!!

unsure oleil:
Geoff6 # Posté Le 29/08/2012 à 23h02:00 Citer

Team: Geoff6
Messages: 90
Ranking: 1063
Country: be

Merci à toi, Spanish Cow clin

Tu as fait une excellente saison, la meilleure oui, et tu es plus proche, niveau points...
Tu es un excellent adversaire et fair-play en plus. hihi

Bravo pour ton titre de vice-champion!

On remet ça la saison prochaine...
Sorry for the translation

Thank you, Spanish Cow clin

You did an excellent season, yes the best, and you are nearest, in points for the drivers championship...
The distance to the players ranking is because i have only one account!
You are an excellent and fair-play opponent. hihi

Bravo for your vice-champion title!

Let's go for the next season...

Edit: Thank you david, I didn't know... smile
Modifié Le 31/08/2012 à 20h05:56 par Geoff6
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