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Auteur | Message |
beatles | # Posté Le 14/02/2013 à 19h03:01 |
Team: beatles Messages: 16 Ranking: 27 Country: |
Please, can you change the bars and put the tiredness to zero?
SCT - h.gatt | # Posté Le 14/02/2013 à 19h23:09 |
Team: SCT - Horst Messages: 25 Ranking: 17 Country: |
idem !!
Barbatos | # Posté Le 14/02/2013 à 20h02:19 |
Twitter: @Barbatos__ Team: Barbie Messages: 1548 Ranking: 721 Country: |
beatles | # Posté Le 14/02/2013 à 20h14:00 |
Team: beatles Messages: 16 Ranking: 27 Country: |
beatles2 | # Posté Le 15/02/2013 à 11h39:32 |
Team: beatles2 Messages: 5 Ranking: 28 Country: |
Another bug, it seems that some people have been able to recruit 2 techs yesterday?
Is that right? |
beatles1 | # Posté Le 16/02/2013 à 11h45:59 |
Team: beatles1 Messages: 6 Ranking: 35 Country: |
Nobody to answer or comment this question?
beatles | # Posté Le 02/03/2013 à 18h20:31 |
Team: beatles Messages: 16 Ranking: 27 Country: |
Great, I understand, it seems better to talk about account limitation instead of technicians bugs.
:-° |
SCT - | # Posté Le 02/03/2013 à 19h48:35 |
Team: SCT - Horst Messages: 28 Ranking: 20 Country: |
beatles3 | # Posté Le 04/03/2013 à 05h46:46 |
Team: beatles3 Messages: 13 Ranking: 14 Country: |
Barbatos | # Posté Le 08/03/2013 à 22h35:52 |
Twitter: @Barbatos__ Team: Barbie Messages: 1548 Ranking: 721 Country: |
Citation : beatles2
Another bug, it seems that some people have been able to recruit 2 techs yesterday? Is that right? I checked the logs of that day and everything is ok. |
beatles2 | # Posté Le 09/03/2013 à 18h16:27 |
Team: beatles2 Messages: 5 Ranking: 28 Country: |
Really you're wrong.
I know that... |
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