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SCT - jawayim # Posté Le 04/02/2011 à 23h02:16 Citer

Team: jawayim
Messages: 15
Ranking: 67
Country: nl

Is there here something of an opinion or policy about multi-accounts (a person with more accounts here in FOM)?
For instance: absolutely not / please not / restricted number of accounts / never mind / the more the better?

regards, Yim
Barbatos # Posté Le 05/02/2011 à 00h20:36 Citer

Twitter: @Barbatos__
Team: Barbie
Messages: 1548
Ranking: 721
Country: fr

At this moment there is no limit, because we are on a beta. clin
RDR-Mandy # Posté Le 07/03/2011 à 15h03:44 Citer
Team: RDR-Mandy
Messages: 1
Ranking: 0
Country: de

a beta is the best time to test your protection against multiaccounts clin
Barbatos # Posté Le 07/03/2011 à 18h17:26 Citer

Twitter: @Barbatos__
Team: Barbie
Messages: 1548
Ranking: 721
Country: fr

To be honest I don't want to protect the game against multi accounts. If some guys have the time and wish to have several accounts and a lot of drivers, this is their choice. The only condition is to NEVER use bots or externals scripts to do automatically some things like in YRM1... clin
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