JOEL ··· congratulations

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DDFR - DIODER # Posté Le 15/06/2013 à 21h08:39 Citer

Messages: 123
Ranking: 5
Country: es

My congratulations for Joel, a great champion in drivers championship and a great "oponent" at players...


Like always, sorry for writing in english, and sorry for my bad english, but I think the french of my translators is worst than my own english, jejeje...


Congratulations Joel and very good season 12 for everyone...

unsure oleil:

joel2 # Posté Le 19/06/2013 à 12h48:23 Citer
Team: joel2
Messages: 81
Ranking: 9
Country: fr

Thank a lot Dioder and sorry for my late answer but I couldn't read it before.

I think I had a little chance for the player championship as I didn't expect a so good result.
But DDFR kept the best in player and it's a challenge to do good result with such oponents.

For the driver championship I'm just sorry for those who couldn't do their best because of the bug at teh week-end, especialy for the last winner, Xaviz.
LFT Tole # Posté Le 19/06/2013 à 16h46:47 Citer

Team: Tole
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Ranking: 269
Country: fr

Ouep.... Bravo Joël !!! Red est mort, vive Albert, c'est ça ??? clin
joel3 # Posté Le 19/06/2013 à 17h24:13 Citer
Team: joel3
Messages: 42
Ranking: 9
Country: fr

Je ne suis pas sûr de comprendre la référence, en tout cas merci beaucoup Tole.
En anglais maintenant :

Red is dead it's a film from les nuls I think (yes I know I'm speaking both french and english).
This year, I will only have joel2 and joel3 for the championship player, and so joel 1 (red) will not be there.
It's du to less activities for this season but I hope good result with the championship player.

Modifié Le 19/06/2013 à 17h24:50 par joel3
LFT Tole # Posté Le 19/06/2013 à 20h08:23 Citer

Team: Tole
Messages: 309
Ranking: 269
Country: fr

en gros c'était le roi Red n'est plus ??? C'est Albert maintenant ? Le Roi est mort, vive le Roi quoi..
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