Formula World - Forums - Bugs report - Drivers


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Brendan # Posté Le 10/02/2011 à 16h00:56 Citer
Team: DDFR Brendan
Messages: 7
Ranking: 262
Country: au

I have an applicant waiting to join my clan, and the clan is full at the moment, but how do I remove a low scoring player in favour of bringing in the new applicant? I have tried the remove button and it does not seem to work! I have asked the low scoring player to move to another clan and he is happy to do. HOW DOES HE DO IT?
This is a great game buy the way....Congratulationsclin
Barbatos # Posté Le 10/02/2011 à 23h58:00 Citer

Twitter: @Barbatos__
Team: Barbie
Messages: 1548
Ranking: 721
Country: fr

Fixed, thanks !
4tune jezzer # Posté Le 12/02/2011 à 04h25:49 Citer
Team: jezzer
Messages: 5
Ranking: 397
Country: uk

New Thread I just fired one of my drivers (I didn't like him) my new driver must be working for someone else as his car has a different aero package from mine
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