This is a shame-Dioder Leaving

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nitehawk # Posté Le 23/03/2011 à 19h57:25 Citer
Team: not using
Messages: 6
Ranking: 412
Country: us

I Don't Know the full story But David (dioder) must stay.All the seasons racing with David he as be accused of everything under the Sun BUT to me this Guy is Honest as the Day is Long-He will help anyone english,french,german,italian,spanish,kenyan,oz etc He spends hours and hours to achive the settings needed for this game and his commitment to his groups and friends is second to none, And to all the people who have not bothered to get to know my friend D.I.O.D.E.R. THIS IS YOUR LOSS

JOHN (Raiger)
ian # Posté Le 03/05/2011 à 10h25:08 Citer
Team: jenson
Messages: 4
Ranking: 355
Country: uk

Did i miss something unsure oleil:
Black Adder # Posté Le 06/05/2011 à 20h47:05 Citer
Team: oo
Messages: 1
Ranking: 305
Country: ke

Citation : ian
Did i miss something unsure oleil:

No more than usual.
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