Formula World - Forums - Español - dioder leaving

dioder leaving

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nitehawk # Posté Le 23/03/2011 à 20h01:06 Citer
Team: not using
Messages: 6
Ranking: 412
Country: us

I Don't Know the full story But David (dioder) must stay.All the seasons racing with David he as be accused of everything under the Sun BUT to me this Guy is Honest as the Day is Long-He will help anyone english,french,german,italian,spanish,kenyan,oz etc He spends hours and hours to achive the settings needed for this game and his commitment to his groups and friends is second to none, And to all the people who have not bothered to get to know my friend D.I.O.D.E.R. THIS IS YOUR LOSS

JOHN (Raiger)
DDFR - DIODER # Posté Le 24/03/2011 à 01h58:07 Citer

Messages: 123
Ranking: 5
Country: es

Thank you very much for your words my friend...


You touch me in my heart with that...


Go go Johnny!!!!

langue irate:
nitehawk # Posté Le 24/03/2011 à 07h51:30 Citer
Team: not using
Messages: 6
Ranking: 412
Country: us

And ment Every word of it---DIODER TO STAY----DIODER TO STAY-DIODER TO STAY----DIODER TO STAY----DIODER TO STAY-----DIODER TO STAY------DIODER TO STAY------DIODER TO STAY----DIODER TO STAY-------DIODER TO STAY--------DIODER TO STAY-----DIODER TO STAY----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PLEASE VOTE FOR DAVID TO STAY IN THE GAME------I VOTE YES
Modifié Le 24/03/2011 à 07h53:00 par nitehawk
Barbatos # Posté Le 24/03/2011 à 13h01:36 Citer

Twitter: @Barbatos__
Team: Barbie
Messages: 1548
Ranking: 721
Country: fr

I vote yes. smile
ATR- Gxxxx # Posté Le 24/03/2011 à 21h43:53 Citer
Team: Gxxxx
Messages: 122
Ranking: 0
Country: fr

i also vote yes.

even if we had a disagreement, i still think he is a great manager
oscarpintero2000 # Posté Le 25/03/2011 à 10h02:53 Citer

Team: oscarpintero2000
Messages: 21
Ranking: 913
Country: es

Esta claro que si que queréis que vuelva . Sin él en el juego , este pierde a uno de los mejores manager y colega que podáis encontrar . Y tú quieres en tu juego a los mejores manager ,¿ verdad Barbatos ? . Pues a ver como te lo montas para que vuelva , que esta en tus manos .
Y espero que no se MAL INTERPRETE NADA DE NADA ..... esos son los problemas de los idiomas ....
Modifié Le 25/03/2011 à 10h04:20 par oscarpintero2000
DDFR - David Málaga # Posté Le 25/03/2011 à 13h16:39 Citer

Team: David Málaga
Messages: 6
Ranking: 415
Country: es

Yo no sé que pasó ¿?¿? but course i vote yes. Namesake returns!! langue irate: ¿¿namesake es tocayo??
wurzel # Posté Le 25/03/2011 à 13h38:44 Citer

Team: wurzel
Messages: 13
Ranking: 0
Country: uk

come on guys, no vote needed really,..i dont think anyone wants to see david leave, including myself.
....although we have gained a few places in the ranks:-° rire
wurzel # Posté Le 25/03/2011 à 13h47:06 Citer

Team: wurzel
Messages: 13
Ranking: 0
Country: uk

come on guys, no vote needed really,..i dont think anyone wants to see david leave, including myself.
....although we have gained a few places in the ranks :-° rire ....whatevers happened can we put it in the past and get on with the game in hand? this game is, and should be fun....martin
oscarpintero2000 # Posté Le 25/03/2011 à 16h03:41 Citer

Team: oscarpintero2000
Messages: 21
Ranking: 913
Country: es

Citation : wurzel
come on guys, no vote needed really,..i dont think anyone wants to see david leave, including myself.rn....although we have gained a few places in the ranks :-° rire ....whatevers happened can we put it in the past and get on with the game in hand? this game is, and should be fun....martin

Y nadie pone en duda que Barbatos dejara un juego divertido .

Pero el tema no es ese .El tema es que por mal antendidos , por culpa del idioma , se a caldeado el nucleo y ha fusionado . A los tecnicos no les dio tiempo de poner en marcha la refrijeración . Y un gran colega se ha ido del juego . Y quiero que vuelva . Yo y muchos . langue irate:
DDFR - DIODER # Posté Le 26/03/2011 à 00h48:53 Citer

Messages: 123
Ranking: 5
Country: es

sí david, eso me dice el traductor d el mundo, aunque no lo habia oído en mi vida...


gracias oscar y david...
and thank you very much johnny and martin (great to see you!!!)...


see ya up the road...

...or at the races...

DDFR - Darkgo20 # Posté Le 26/03/2011 à 22h00:36 Citer
Team: Darkgo20
Messages: 1
Ranking: 0
Country: es

heureux unsure oleil: langue irate:
ICKXmen Roma F1 # Posté Le 31/03/2011 à 09h50:48 Citer

Team: Roma F1
Messages: 168
Ranking: 1004
Country: fr

DAAAAAAAAAAAVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID Where are you........?langue irate: langue
01-Xaviz # Posté Le 31/03/2011 à 10h26:02 Citer
Team: 01-Xaviz
Messages: 10
Ranking: 569
Country: mx

Citation : Roma F1
DAAAAAAAAAAAVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID Where are you........?langue irate: langue

i think, he is with "Zapatero",

Dioder to president??? huh

:-° :-° :-°
ICKXmen Roma F1 # Posté Le 31/03/2011 à 11h17:14 Citer

Team: Roma F1
Messages: 168
Ranking: 1004
Country: fr

Dioder Président!!! Dioder Président!!! Dioder Président!!!rire rire
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