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bug in results

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taz10 # Posté Le 07/06/2011 à 22h49:37 Citer

Team: taz10
Messages: 3
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Country: mc

Current stage : Race finished.

Course of allemagneTurn 9 of 60 - Refresh
Choice of driver: --- Select --- Anonymous (# 13832)

Actual ranking of group 158
Pos. Diff. Driver Player Last lap time Best lap Total time /Turns /Gains
1 --- Anonymous (# 13 849) migui14013 (# 1 339) 01:54:379 01:53:740 00h 17m 06s 9 25 points + 500 000�?�
2 +00:01:157 Alonso (# 13 850) nath1998 (# 3 835) 01:54:218 01:53:723 00h 17m 07s 9 18 points + 350 000�?�
3 +93:01:872 Anonymous (# 13 832) taz10 (# 3 827) 01:50:460 01:49:620 01h 50m 08s 60 15 points + 200 000�?�

greetings Barbatos, found this bug in my results,...seems 1st and 2nd placed cars only did 9 turns, and raced just over 17 minutes.?waw ....
thanks and congratulations for this game
Modifié Le 07/06/2011 à 22h56:38 par taz10
Barbatos # Posté Le 08/06/2011 à 01h05:25 Citer

Twitter: @Barbatos__
Team: Barbie
Messages: 1548
Ranking: 721
Country: fr


You registered to the game recently, right ? I think these are people who have registered during the race, so they made �??�??fewer turns. I'll fix this bug soon, thank you. smile
wf1 # Posté Le 08/06/2011 à 11h11:45 Citer

Team: wf1
Messages: 5
Ranking: 1028
Country: uk

Citation : Barbatos

You registered to the game recently, right ? I think these are people who have registered during the race, so they made ��?��?fewer turns. I'll fix this bug soon, thank you. smile

thats right, it was a new car for this race,, looking forward to my extra 10 points and moneylangue
thanks again barbatossmile
Modifié Le 08/06/2011 à 11h13:25 par wf1
Barbatos # Posté Le 08/06/2011 à 15h51:35 Citer

Twitter: @Barbatos__
Team: Barbie
Messages: 1548
Ranking: 721
Country: fr

Ok, now new players can't register during a race. clin
DDFR - CR-F1 # Posté Le 10/06/2011 à 10h40:15 Citer

Team: CR-F1
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Ranking: 41
Country: es

A ver si cambiáis el teclado . Que no se entiende nada de lo que escribís !! langue
Barbatos # Posté Le 10/06/2011 à 13h10:15 Citer

Twitter: @Barbatos__
Team: Barbie
Messages: 1548
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Country: fr

Thanks to speak English here.
wf1 # Posté Le 11/06/2011 à 00h09:53 Citer

Team: wf1
Messages: 5
Ranking: 1028
Country: uk

Citation : Barbatos
Ok, now new players can't register during a race. clin

ok, thats good, however, i should be still earned my points and dosh??blink
taz10 # Posté Le 13/06/2011 à 11h31:19 Citer

Team: taz10
Messages: 3
Ranking: 0
Country: mc

hello barbatos??? :-°
Barbatos # Posté Le 13/06/2011 à 11h56:28 Citer

Twitter: @Barbatos__
Team: Barbie
Messages: 1548
Ranking: 721
Country: fr

Sorry but I can't now. triste It'll cause lots of bugs.
taz10 # Posté Le 13/06/2011 à 12h12:10 Citer

Team: taz10
Messages: 3
Ranking: 0
Country: mc

ok, a bit disapointing, but i can see your predicament...thanks for your reply
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