[22 Jan 2011] Release #3

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Barbatos # Posté Le 22/01/2011 à 19h25:33 Citer

Twitter: @Barbatos__
Team: Barbie
Messages: 1548
Ranking: 721
Country: fr

Bonjour à tous,

la release numéro 3 est maintenant installée sur le site.

Changements :
|||| RELEASE N°3 (22 Jan 2011) ||||

- players can now define values for engine and aero on every races
- list of players ordered by best time on training page
- group ID on pilot's ranking page

- value of the pilot's salary
- days and month are now in french on the calendar page
- bad error messages on the page "structures"
- fixed dates size on dashboard page

- players now win 25 laps every night (old: 20)
- players now win 100 000â?¬ every night (old: 200 000)
- deleted clan list on clan page, there is the same in the ranking page
- the maximum number of players on the same team is now fixed to 10

Vous pouvez voir la liste complète des changements apportés ici :

Pour toutes questions, vous pouvez poster ci-dessous ! smile

Bien à vous,
Modifié Le 22/01/2011 à 19h26:07 par Barbatos
doum # Posté Le 23/01/2011 à 11h38:07 Citer
Team: doum
Messages: 18
Ranking: 666
Country: fr

excuse mais peut on l'avoir en français merci
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