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DDFR - DIODER # Posté Le 22/11/2011 à 20h17:51 Citer

Messages: 123
Ranking: 5
Country: es

Congratulations are small for your season my friend...

Great great great Manu!!!!!



Enjoy it, you are the best!!!

unsure oleil:
DDFR - DIODER # Posté Le 22/11/2011 à 20h19:33 Citer

Messages: 123
Ranking: 5
Country: es

Ups, sorry for writing in (bad) english in your french forum...
I would like tell it to Manu in his own forum, but I prefer do it knowing what I write (the traductors on line ar every bad)...
Greetings to all...

Proferrari ICKX # Posté Le 22/11/2011 à 21h06:45 Citer
Team: proferrari 1
Messages: 68
Ranking: 3
Country: fr

Thank you David.

Yes, I enjoy it, you can imagine. Thank you also for giving such a hard fight. Champions can live only against other champions.
darkgo9 # Posté Le 22/11/2011 à 21h21:34 Citer
Team: darkgo9
Messages: 4
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Country: jm

Citation : Proferrari ICKX
Thank you David.

Yes, I enjoy it, you can imagine. Thank you also for giving such a hard fight. Champions can live only against other champions.

unsure oleil:

(sorry, dioder again, that i come to see the forum without remember the car that i was in it)
Modifié Le 22/11/2011 à 21h24:36 par darkgo9
Barbatos # Posté Le 23/11/2011 à 00h18:21 Citer

Twitter: @Barbatos__
Team: Barbie
Messages: 1548
Ranking: 721
Country: fr

congrat'z to Manu and all the players. smile
TOP TEAM Joe2 # Posté Le 24/11/2011 à 20h45:04 Citer
Team: Joe2
Messages: 4
Ranking: 509
Country: cd

Felicitations Manu!!!
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