Problem with my account

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Marracash # Posté Le 28/11/2011 à 23h30:45 Citer

Team: Marracash
Messages: 28
Ranking: 0
Country: it

My account restarted the season without a reason.. Can you do something please?
(i've only changed my account's photo, this is not normal)
Marracash # Posté Le 29/11/2011 à 14h30:12 Citer

Team: Marracash
Messages: 28
Ranking: 0
Country: it

I hope it's not as I think, otherwise it's so funny ahah
Marracash # Posté Le 30/11/2011 à 11h44:11 Citer

Team: Marracash
Messages: 28
Ranking: 0
Country: it

I now realized, changing pictures thought of having to confirm and I clicked at the bottom, but since i do'nt understand the language, I realized after putting in english I've reset the profile
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