Live Racing not working

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MTP Bozmeister # Posté Le 05/03/2013 à 19h39:14 Citer
Team: Bozmeister
Messages: 7
Ranking: 110
Country: uk

Hi there

My drivers who qualified for the race today, didn't appear in the race. This happened last time, however, I did then appear in the final results?

Also, today, the group that are racing, aren't the group that qualified?

All very strange.


Paul (Bozmeister)
beatles # Posté Le 05/03/2013 à 19h48:37 Citer
Team: beatles
Messages: 16
Ranking: 27
Country: uk

The same for me, what happens?
several bugs, you re not responsible, but this season is really bad, if we take into account the bug of several techs bought / day for several players...waw
Barbatos # Posté Le 08/03/2013 à 22h34:17 Citer

Twitter: @Barbatos__
Team: Barbie
Messages: 1548
Ranking: 721
Country: fr

Everything should be fixed now, thanks. clin
beatles2 # Posté Le 09/03/2013 à 18h18:43 Citer
Team: beatles2
Messages: 5
Ranking: 28
Country: uk

Ok thx
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