Citation : BarbatosOk Darkgo, I'll try to speak more about changes now. Thanks for your help.rnrnBy the way, thanks Dioder to ban me from your Forum, It's such a good attitude coming from an adult.

Good luck to find another game if you don't like this.rnrn
That's incredible... only for a bug in a beta version.
i don't banned anybody of DDFR forum; between other reasons i don't know do it...
in fact i came home several minutes ago for working, i enter in DDFr forum, answered you and then (after that) i enter here and read this shit...
really do you think that i have done that?
once again you say lies about me and bad acusations...
i answered you 10 minutes ago; i have traslate your words to spanish and answer you in english and spanish... would i do that if i know that you are banned and you can't read that?
i enter now in our forum again and i see you get the permiss for seeing the fom side:
Moderador de Grupo
DIODER 15023 Madrid - ESPAÃ?A
Miembros de Grupo
Barbatos 36
Brendan Black 0 Naivasha, Kenya
CoD4 Ranger 187
DPT Team 11
javicardghi 1
Málaga 2016 1
mario 20
oscarpintero2000 110 BCN SPAIN
raigerjohn 49
riohato 13 Panamá
t.tomygarcia61 23
First ask, know what happen, and then made acusations, but once again you skate on the shit and the lies of your words...
Sincerely, i think you get a lot of bugs in your head, and I have got tired of your bilges and accusations without any foundation. I am not your enemy, but you treat me like that, and you lie over me only to discredit myself and to try to throw once again the fault to others of your own failures. That isn't the right way, and i don't know what you want with that but the only looser in this way are you and your game...
If somebody banned you from our forum (really I don't know), tell it but DON'T MADE ACUSATIONS OVER ME IF YOU DON'T KNOW IF THAT IT WAS MADE FOR ME... Can you understand that or i have to explain you word to word?
Bye to all!