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Important Bug

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Marracash # Posté Le 22/11/2011 à 15h35:03 Citer

Team: Marracash
Messages: 28
Ranking: 0
Country: it

Hi everybody! Excuse me for my english..
There is a big bug in the game. Practically you can bu 2 technicals a day, 1 at 00.00 and 1 at 00.01.We are sure that there are people who benefit from it, and the beginning of the season they have won many of the point before the other. I'm disappointed that they benefit from it. In life must be able to win honestly. I'm not interested in HOF, but I hurts that people there were laughing at you and the work you did for. Excuse me, but it must be the season deleted and I would like the person who benefit from it, apologize.
PS: be careful with this I do not want to accuse anyone, starting from first to last in the standings.
Barbatos # Posté Le 22/11/2011 à 18h03:22 Citer

Twitter: @Barbatos__
Team: Barbie
Messages: 1548
Ranking: 721
Country: fr


As I said in the french forum, all the "cheaters" who are in the Hall of Fame will finish the season with 0 points at the end of the rankings.

It is unbelievable to see that some guys are using bugs to win during a whole season without telling it to anyone.
Modifié Le 22/11/2011 à 18h03:37 par Barbatos # Posté Le 22/11/2011 à 18h09:54 Citer
Messages: 6
Ranking: 35
Country: de

Hope you Will find someone!! mechant
darkgo9 # Posté Le 22/11/2011 à 21h12:37 Citer
Team: darkgo9
Messages: 4
Ranking: 0
Country: jm

sorry, i get hurry before to calculate our movements of groups, and i saw this but i didn't can stop to read slow and understand it...
now i have read it but I don't understand it well.
do we can buy more technicians? between 00 and 01? but how? several clicks? (i think all of us have tried that without results) how many?
i always train and do everything at that time (and others) but i buy a technicians and don't let me more at any time till next day.

(and sorry, I am Dioder since a darkgo's car)
darkgo9 # Posté Le 22/11/2011 à 21h20:05 Citer
Team: darkgo9
Messages: 4
Ranking: 0
Country: jm

charles, you can see it easily, true?
the number of technicians of the cars of the 2 or 3 or some more first groups, no?
i think that (if it's possible, and please, explain me how to do it for proove it) gets no vintage for the 5-drivers-cars, but fuck with the 1-only-driver-cars.
at the end, they can't get vintage true? did they can get more aero at the end than the rest? or only they get vintage at the first races or at the half of the season?

(again dioder)
Modifié Le 22/11/2011 à 21h20:25 par darkgo9
dgedge2 # Posté Le 22/11/2011 à 22h26:45 Citer
Team: dgedge2
Messages: 38
Ranking: 35
Country: fr

It seems unbelievable, how can we use a default, see it and keep it, without deciding to prevent the others from that ?

We are trying to win againt several good players and this game is so interesting...

It's a shame if it's true!

DDFR - DIODER # Posté Le 22/11/2011 à 23h11:10 Citer

Messages: 123
Ranking: 5
Country: es

charles, you get a mail from me in gmail with all the numbers of all my cars (you can check it easily)...

SHL KK95 Redbullgp # Posté Le 24/11/2011 à 00h03:54 Citer
Team: Redbullgp
Messages: 1
Ranking: 0
Country: au

Hello, I'm Darkgo, the real, now I read this, just say I do not understand that people do this and all my cars are available Barbatos if you want to look at them and see the number of technicians who have each.
Greetings to all.
racing proyect # Posté Le 25/11/2011 à 10h25:22 Citer
Team: racing proyect
Messages: 2
Ranking: 0
Country: es

"Acusation non petita, Acusation manifesta"

DDFR - DIODER # Posté Le 26/11/2011 à 04h39:38 Citer

Messages: 123
Ranking: 5
Country: es

Citation : racing proyect
"Acusation non petita, Acusation manifesta"


mira, no pensaba hacerte ni puto caso de lo tonto q pareces (recalco q utilizo el verbo parecer y no el ser, creo q hasta tú podrás captar la diferencia), pero como me acabo de liar el último canuto de la noche y parece q cuesta un poco, t contesto, pero por hacer tiempo tan solo...

cuando quieras acusar a alguien, hazlo con nombres (o nicks) si tienes huevos, y t dejas de gilipoyeces y escribes bien las frases (un poco d ridículo sí q estás haciendo en ese sentido)...

si supieras un poco del juego, o lo hubieras seguido en sus escuadras punteras, te habrías dado cuenta perfectamente (como bien sabe Manu, por citar al mejor jugador de esto y flamante bicampeón, alias proferrari, porque hemos compartido mucha información y sabemos perfectamente donde estaba el gap d tiempo entre ambos y por qué) q, por comentarte solo una cosita d las muchas q podría decirte, pero q es muy fácil d entender (ánimo q tú puedes), en la ultima carrera (en la q ya teníamos toda la aero acabada) les saqué prácticamente la misma diferencia d tiempo q las carreras anteriores... con la aero acabada! si hubiera tenido ventaja d aero, el recorte de tiempo q me habrían hecho en la última carrera habría sido bestial...

y sí, me doy por aludido con tus palabras porque las dices por mí o quizás te referías a la madre del gato con botas?

q fácil, y a la vez q cobarde, es lanzar las cositas así, como si no dijeras nada...

sorry guys, he is a spanish (he gets that flag) and i need write in spanish for answer him like i want...
it's not important, so don't waste your time translating (better put the television or take some beers, hehe)...

manu, if you read this probably you understand it (you always surprise me, hehe); i name you only like an example: you know where and why was the gap between my times and yours (really both of them known that a lot of races before, remember our conversation when i get to the g0?)... only for that my friend...
racing proyect # Posté Le 27/11/2011 à 11h04:54 Citer
Team: racing proyect
Messages: 2
Ranking: 0
Country: es

Respuesta (primera y ultima)

Supongo que hasta TUUUUUUUUUUUu, sabras a quien me refiero ?


Sigue en tu mundo "VIRTUALITo"

Sigue fuera del mundo real ( donde debes ser "cualquier COSA"clin

PD: Supongo que TUUUUUu, sabes el significado de NI NIs ( no espero menos de ti CAMPEONNNNNNNn )

Ciao, que te alla bonito en tu Micromundillo.

Se feliz.
DDFR - DIODER # Posté Le 28/11/2011 à 15h07:14 Citer

Messages: 123
Ranking: 5
Country: es

Citation : racing proyect
Respuesta (primera y ultima)

Supongo que hasta TUUUUUUUUUUUu, sabras a quien me refiero ?


Sigue en tu mundo "VIRTUALITo"

Sigue fuera del mundo real ( donde debes ser "cualquier COSA"clin

PD: Supongo que TUUUUUu, sabes el significado de NI NIs ( no espero menos de ti CAMPEONNNNNNNn )

Ciao, que te alla bonito en tu Micromundillo.

Se feliz.

lo tuyo es espontáneo, de nacimiento o te entrenas para ser tan rematadamente estúpido?

d todas formas, gracias por tus palabras; viniendo de ti resultan ser todo un halago...

a propósito, habitante del macromundazo, las posdatas se ponen al final (de ahí su nombre; pensé q como dominabas ese paleto latininglish q usaste en tu rebuzno anterior llegarías a eso, pero se ve q no; ya sabes, lo q no da la naturaleza no lo da lovaina... ni salamanca, jejeje)

y nada más, salvo q t jodan...

como siempre sin acritud...

Barbatos # Posté Le 28/11/2011 à 16h02:07 Citer

Twitter: @Barbatos__
Team: Barbie
Messages: 1548
Ranking: 721
Country: fr

Sorry but here we speak english only. I don't understand any word...

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